Cutter returns to Guam after 43


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Jun 20, 2023

Cutter returns to Guam after 43

The Coast Guard Cutter Oliver Henry returned to Guam earlier this week after a 43-day historic patrol across Oceania, according to a news release from the Coast Guard. The crew patrolled and visited

The Coast Guard Cutter Oliver Henry returned to Guam earlier this week after a 43-day historic patrol across Oceania, according to a news release from the Coast Guard.

The crew patrolled and visited ports in the Federated States of Micronesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia.

The Sentinel-class fast response cutter USCGC Oliver Henry (WPC 1140) accesses the mooring ball in Apra Harbor on Sept. 18, 2022, following a more than 8,000-nautical mile patrol through Oceania.

“We also patrolled the exclusive economic zones of those countries and Solomon Islands during our time,” Lt. Freddy Hofschneider, commanding officer of Oliver Henry, stated in the release. “Our trip was significant in that we validated the capability of the fast response cutters homeported here in Apra Harbor, Guam, showing what we can do to promote regional stability in terms of fisheries and continue to build a better relationship with our regional partners.”

The crew conducted training, fisheries observations, community and key leader engagements, and a multilateral sail. They covered more than 16,000 nautical miles from Guam to Cairns, Queensland, Australia, and returned with several stops in Papua New Guinea and one in the Federated States of Micronesia.

“The fact that we can take these 154-foot ships with a crew of 25 and a lieutenant commanding officer and push them so far over the horizon, even as far as Australia — which is what Oliver Henry just did — is an incredible capability for the region,” said Capt. Nick Simmons, commander U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam. “I’m proud of the work the Oliver Henry did, the resiliency of the crew deployed for 43 days, and they pulled off a variety of firsts – like first-time port calls in a couple of places like Papua New Guinea and Australia. Even more than that, I am proud of the resilience of the families. Not just the families of Oliver Henry but all the families here to support them and our local community here in Guam.”

While participating in fish-monitoring fishing activities in August, the Oliver Henry sought to make a scheduled stop at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, to refuel and re-provision, the Associated Press reported last month. When there was no response from the Solomon Islands’ government for diplomatic clearance for the vessel to stop there, it diverted to Papua New Guinea.

In Papua New Guinea, the crew spent time on Manus Island and Port Moresby.

In Cairns, they conducted engagements with Australian Defence and Home Affairs partners, the mayor of Cairns, and Cairns Regional Council representatives.

During their stop in Pohnpei, Oliver Henry’s crew hosted the U.S. Embassy team and an FSM National Oceanic Resource Management Authority — Fisheries Compliance Division representative to cover patrol highlights and future opportunities.

The U.S. Coast Guard conducts routine deployments in Oceania as part of Operation Blue Pacific, working alongside allies, building maritime domain awareness and sharing best practices with partner nation navies and coast guards, the Coast Guard stated in the release.

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